Worship With Us


We worship Sunday mornings at 10:35 AM in-person and online. Our service is what you might call blended- our music team selects music that helps the congregation connect with the message and provide a space for us to worship God together. Some of our songs are led by the ACC Praise Team, others are led by a song leader and accompanied by an organ. We hope that no matter your background, our worship will help you feel closer to God and welcome you into our community.

Sunday School

Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM we have adult Sunday school and a multi-age children’s Sunday School class. For children under three, we have a nursery available during both Sunday School and Worship. On the fourth Sunday of the month, we have a special class called Frolic Family for our nursery littles and their special big person. We love our children and take their safety seriously. All adults who work with our children have been trained and have a background check on file.

What Should I Expect

When you arrive, you can park in front and come in Door 1 or park on the side and come in Door 4. A greeter will be at the door to welcome you and help direct you to the Family Life Center (our sanctuary). Come as you are to Avon Christian in whatever clothing feels most comfortable to you. Most of us tend to dress casually. We worship in what we call our Family Life Center, which is a multi-purpose space. On Sundays the space is set-up for worship but during the week you might find basketball, karate, or pickleball meeting in there!